Night Time Fat Burner How To Burn 10X Calories While Sleep

Imagine how amazing it would be to just go to sleep and shed the pounds away in the night. What if we told you that is completely possible, and you’re probably already doing it every night. The concept of burning calories in sleep is one of the latest discoveries in the diet and nutrition world, and we’ve decided to tackle it as well. Therefore, in the following paragraphs, we’ve gathered some of the best products you can use to shed pounds in sleep. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

Weight Loss In Sleep: Things You Need to Know

What Is The Relation Between Sleep And Weight?

Even though it may seem impossible, weight loss and weight gain are deeply connected to one’s sleep quality and habits. Lack of sleep, for example, increases the stress levels in our bodies disturbs hormone production, promotes metabolic changes, and increases appetite. That is why people who suffer from sleep disturbances often experience sudden weight gain.

On the other hand, proper sleep helps regulate the hunger hormone and appetite, as well as decreases stress levels. It also affects fat storage and promotes the fat to leave the body rather than accumulate. That is why proper sleep plays an important role in weight loss. Getting proper sleep, with or without supplements, promotes weight loss (in sleep) on its own.

How Does Sleep Encourage Weight Loss?

Sleep encourages weight loss in the following ways;

  • Sleep promotes the secretion of hormones responsible for converting food and drinks into energy rather than fat.
  • Melatonin, which is a sleep hormone, can help people fight obesity and diabetes by promoting healthy and restful, deep sleep.
  • Proper sleep helps regulate blood sugar levels; it lowers the blood sugar levels and therefore reduces the sense of hunger.
  • Sleep helps you recharge and recuperate throughout the night, making you ready for physical activity that will help you lose weight over time.
  • Sleep is a natural appetite suppressant; because you can’t eat while sleeping, you’re burning more calories on basic metabolic functions, even though you’re technically physically inactive.

How Can I Use Sleep To Burn Calories And Lose Weight?

Apart from the fat-burning supplements we’re about to recommend to you, here are some ways you can train yourself into getting better sleep, and lose weight in the process;

  • Avoid blue light exposure before sleep; turn off the TV, the laptop, and your phone before bedtime, because the blue light these gadgets emit reduces melatonin production and makes you feel awake.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and eating unhealthy or spicy food before sleep. This will hinder the fat-burning effect because the body will be focused on dealing with the additional fat and alcohol you just consumed.
  • Try to sleep in a dark room, that is also quiet and cool. Sleeping in such an environment will promote melatonin production, help the body regulate the hunger hormone, and promote weight loss.
  • Try to exercise during the day, so that you get a little bit tired and sleepy on time. Exercise is known to promote better sleep quality in people who are trying to lose weight. Not to mention that physical activity promotes weight loss itself.
  • Consider sleep and weight loss supplements (like the ones we recommend in the following paragraphs). These supplements often contain sleep-inducing ingredients (like melatonin), as well as weight loss-inducing compounds, which are often natural.

5 Best Night Time Weight Loss Pills

1. MAV Nutrition Night Time Weight Loss Pills

Best for: people who want to jumpstart their weight loss journey, and support their weight loss in sleep

Product Benefits

  • Supports full immune function 24/7
  • Specially formulated for nighttime use
  • Doesn’t interrupt sleep or change the sleep-wake cycle
  • Contains melatonin to help you get proper sleep
  • Supports restful sleep
  • Contains L-theanine and L-tryptophan to promote relaxation and deep sleep
  • Helps improve body composition and post-workout recovery
  • Increases thermogenesis, or the body’s rate of burning calories


  • White kidney bean extract
  • L-theanine
  • Valerian root extract
  • Passionflower extract
  • L-tryptophan
  • Melatonin

What We Think

If you’re looking for a natural, nutritional supplement to help jumpstart your weight loss journey, the MAV Night Time Weight Loss Pills are the right choice. These pills do not only support fat-burning but also promote restful sleep and ensure you get enough fat-burning deep sleep. They can also boost your metabolism and help you improve your daily functionality. The pills contain premium ingredients, including melatonin, L-tryptophan, L-theanine, and a blend of special herbs which promote muscle relaxation and restful sleep. So, if you’re looking for a reliable start to weight loss, we recommend you check out this product as soon as possible.


  • Not evaluated or approved by the FDA
  • Might take longer to take effect and show results
  • Requires a thorough change in lifestyle and diet
  • Might only help with sleep, but not weight loss in some individuals
  • Might cause gastrointestinal issues

2. Lean PM Night Time Fat Burner Sleep Aid Supplement

Best for: boosting metabolism for weight loss, and individuals looking for weight loss pills without caffeine

Product Benefits

  • Best weight loss supplement without caffeine
  • Weight loss formula for night time fat burning
  • Natural supplement and appetite suppressant
  • No artificial ingredients and synthetic fillers
  • Controls nighttime cravings
  • Promotes restful and deep sleep
  • Promotes muscle relaxation and morning freshness


  • Green tea extract
  • L-theanine
  • Vitamin B6
  • Melatonin
  • Bioperine
  • Magnesium

What We Think

The majority of weight loss nighttime products contain caffeine. So, if you’re looking for a caffeine-free product, we recommend the Lean PM Night Time Fat Burning supplement. This supplement is incredibly effective, and with the natural ingredients, it contains, it promotes proper fat burning and proper sleep simultaneously. The users are extremely satisfied, and people even post ‘before and after pictures showing incredible body transformations.

However, the Lean PM supplement works best alongside proper exercising and diet change, which might be too demanding for some individuals. Therefore, we recommend you jumpstart your weight loss journey with Lean PM, and as it suppresses your appetite, you gradually change your nutrition and start exercising. This seems to be the best weight loss recommendation coming from actual Lean PM users.


  • Not evaluated or approved by the FDA
  • Can make it hard to wake up in the morning
  • Some reported struggling to stay awake throughout the day
  • In some individuals, no sleep-inducing effect
  • Possible gastrointestinal issues

3. NatureWise NightTime Slim Calorie Burn

Best for fast fat-burning effects and a natural weight loss journey jumpstart

Product Benefits

  • Contains natural thermogenic fat burners
  • Increases metabolism and fat loss in sleep
  • Features Capsimax cayenne pepper extract
  • Contains natural ingredients
  • Promotes deep and restful sleep
  • Doesn’t have added chemical and synthetic filters
  • Provides results quickly


  • Green tea extract
  • Magnolia bark
  • Flaxseed
  • Raspberry ketones
  • Cayenne pepper extract
  • L-theanine
  • L-tryptophan
  • Melatonin

What We Think

The NatureWise weight loss pills might be one of the most promising products when it comes to nighttime calorie burning. These pills contain all-natural ingredients and have the ability to boost metabolism overnight. They are designed to promote deep and restful sleep and help you recharge for the next day’s responsibilities and activities.

Unlike other products, the NatureWise pills are created to work together with your body, not replace its functions in weight loss. That is why the results occur much faster and are long-term. We know that it can be hard to find a trustworthy product, but we believe the NatureWise weight loss pills will surely help you on your weight loss journey.


  • Not evaluated or approved by the FDA
  • Frequent gastrointestinal issues
  • Possible sleep disturbances
  • Causes night sweats in some individuals

4. Wellthy Nutraceuticals Night Time Fat Burner & Sleep Aid

Best for relaxation, digestion, and sleep weight loss for those just starting their weight loss journey

Product Benefits

  • Promotes sleep and relaxation
  • Metabolism-boosting effects
  • Promotes nighttime weight loss and calorie burning
  • Appetite-suppressant
  • Decreases body fat and water weight as well
  • It is gluten-free, dairy-free, and suitable for vegans


  • Vitamin B6
  • Magnesium
  • Raspberry ketone
  • L-tryptophan
  • L-theanine
  • Chamomile extract
  • Aloe leaf powder
  • Melatonin

What We Think

Losing weight is normally stress-inducing in many individuals. So, if you’re looking for a way to lose weight in sleep, but also relax and destress, then the Wellthy NightTime sleep aid is the perfect solution. These pills will help you unwind in the evening, and make you feel sleepy right before bedtime. That is because they contain melatonin and sleep-inducing ingredients, which naturally regulate sleep while promoting fat burning. After only one bottle or the monthly supply, you will notice changes in your stress levels, as well as changes in weight and body fat.


  • Not evaluated or approved by the FDA
  • Possible gastrointestinal and digestion issues
  • Not sleep-inducing enough for some customers
  • Possible sleep disturbances in some individuals
  • Pricey for a monthly supply bottle

5. Liporidex PM Thermogenic Night Time Weight Loss Formula

Best for: individuals who work out and want to promote faster weight loss

Product Benefits

  • One of the effective weight loss supplement
  • Appetite control and suppressing
  • Caffeine-free and natural ingredients
  • Fast fat burning and fat reduction
  • Reduces hunger and cravings
  • Promotes deep and restful sleep
  • Doesn’t have a sedating effect


  • Magnesium
  • Green coffee bean extract
  • Zinc
  • African mango seed
  • Magnolia bark
  • Brown seaweed extract
  • Black pepper extract
  • Passionflower

What We Think

If you’re looking for a high-quality product that will promote sleep and fast fat burning, then Liporidex is the best choice for you. This product is designed to promote the body’s natural fat-burning properties and work together with your metabolism to achieve fast weight loss results. It is also made to naturally promote sleep. The product doesn’t have sleep-inducing ingredients, but when taken before bedtime, it helps you drift away and get a good night’s sleep. Liporidex contains natural ingredients and it is completely safe for both daytime and nighttime consumption.


  • Not evaluated or approved by the FDA
  • Might increase hunger during daytime
  • Possible gastrointestinal and digestion issues
  • Might not help weight loss in some individuals
  • Pricey for a bottle of 60 pills or a monthly supply bottle

Final Thoughts

The nighttime weight loss pills are excellent for people who are just starting their weight loss journey. They are also great for people whose weight loss is at a standstill and who just need a little bit of push in the right direction. However, weight loss pills of any kind are not a substitute for a healthy diet and proper exercise. Without good nutrition and physical activity, there won’t be any weight loss results, so bear that in mind before purchasing these supplements.

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